IFFR Fly In Ruhr (Essen/Muelheim) May 10-13

©RTG/Jochen Schlutius
There is probably no other German region that has seen such a development in the past 30 years like the Ruhr area. The industrial region formerly characterised by steelmaking and coal mining has developed into an innovative economic area with a remarkable environmental quality. Interesting industrial sites such as the Zeche Zollverein, a coal mine industrial complex and UNESCO cultural heritage, and other venues with spectacular expositions bear testimony to the change the former centre of heavy industry has undergone. This unique district we are going to explore together.
Our airport will be Essen/Mülheim Airport. At arrival we are supposed to reveal ourselves as “Flying Rotarian”. (Important: Please pay attention to Class C airspace and the Düsseldorf control zone!) The nearest international airport is Düsseldorf Airport.